Douglas Cave

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Douglas Cave

inside the cave
Co-ordinates: 36°7’40"N, 5°20’43"W

Douglas Cave is a cave in Gibraltar.[1]


Douglas Path runs from A near the Charles V Wall past B Second World War Observation Post and then down to Douglas Cave

Douglas Cave is at the bottom of Douglas Path which runs north–south along the top ridge of the Rock of Gibraltar on the road leading up to O'Hara's Battery,[2] all within the Upper Rock Nature Reserve.


First occupied during the Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779-1783).[3] Re-occupied in 1940, the cave is, unusually, inside a brick building and contains a single stone seat and the remains of a simple plaque. The reason for this construction is unknown, although some upper rock camping experts believe it was used to store a high-powered searchlight during WWII.[4]

("Wikimedia Commons" has material
about Douglas Cave)


  1. "Location of Caves - Gibraltar". Scribd. 
  2. "The Gibraltar Tunnels" by Tito Vallejo
  3. "The Gibraltar Tunnels" by Tito Vallejo
  4. "Douglas Path - see index". 

Caves of Gibraltar

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