Star Chamber Cave

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Star Chamber Cave
Co-ordinates: 36°8’46"N, 5°20’57"W

Star Chamber Cave is a limestone cave in Gibraltar.[1] In the 1780s the cave became the centre of tunnels known as the Lower Galleries of the Northern Defences. In 1941 this cave was still in military use as the King's Regiment Battalion Headquarters

This is a natural limestone cave which was incorporated into the Northern Defences complex running deep within the Rock of Gibraltar. It is at the centre of a tunnel system known as the Lower Galleries.

King's Battalion HQ

Unlike the Upper Galleries these are not a tourist attraction but can be visited by prior arrangement. The main entrance is by Hanover Battery and Star Chamber Cave is only found after travelling through the Hanover and King's Galleries which were created from 1787 to 1789. Star Chamber Cave could also be accessed by way of the King's Lines fortification. This cave was literally and organisationally at the centre of the tunnelling operations of the 18th century by the Soldier Artificer Company (later the Royal Engineers).

During Second World War the tunnels were still being used and brick buildings were constructed within the cave and galleries. A sign on the wall of the cave records that in 1941 this cave was the King's Regiment Battalion Headquarters.

("Wikimedia Commons" has material
about Star Chamber Cave)


Caves of Gibraltar

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