Ben Hope

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Ben Hope
Ben Hope from the west shore of Loch Eriboll
Summit: 3,041 feet NC477502
58°24’50"N, 4°36’26"W

Ben Hope is a mountain in Sutherland. It is the most northerly Munro, a mountain of over 3,000 feet, and it stands alone in the Flow Country, a region of bumpy, peat-covered moorland, south-east of Loch Hope.

The mountain is a roughly triangular wedge, with a great crag on the west, with two lower shoulders to the south and north-east. Alpine flowers are abundant in season, although the ground is very rocky.

The mountain's name is a mixture of Gaelic and Norse, meaning "Mountain of the Bay".


The principal route to the summit starts in Strathmore, to the west of the mountain, where there is parking off a small road. The route lies along the Allt-na-caillich burn which flows down through a gap in the west-facing crags. The route is steep, but well-marked with occasional cairns and not exposed. There is little available scrambling.

Approach from the east is rare, as there is a wide expanse of heather-covered moorland with no roads in that direction. Approach from the north is not possible for walkers, as there is no path between the crags.

On a clear day the view from the summit includes the Pentland Firth, Loch Eriboll and the nearby mountains of Arkle and Foinaven. The islands of Orkney are visible on a clear day.

Just south of the Allt-na-caillich burn on the Strathmore road is the Dùn Dornaigil Broch.

Outside links


Munros in SMC Area SMC Section 16 - Coigach to Cape Wrath

Ben HopeBen KlibreckBen More AssyntConival