Elephant Jason Island

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Elephant Jason

Falkland Islands


Elephant Jason within the Jason Islands

Location: 51°9’36"N, 60°51’0"W
Area: 640 acres
Population: Uninhabited

Elephant Jason is one of the Jason Islands in the north-west of the Falkland Islands.[1] It lies between Flat Jason to the north and South Jason to the south.

The island has an area of 640 acres; one square mile.

The island is named 'Elephant' after the elephant seals which breed here.


  1. Strange, Ian (1983) The Falkland Islands
The Jason Islands

Grand JasonElephant JasonFlat JasonThe FridaysNorth FurSouth FurClarke's IsletEast CayWest CaySeal RocksSouth JasonSteeple JasonSteeple Islet