Willis Islands

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Willis Islands

South Georgia
(South Georgia and
the South Sandwich Islands


The Willis Islands off South Georgia

Location: 54°0’0"S, 38°10’60"W
Population: 0

The Willis Islands are a small archipelago to the west of South Georgia. They are 2 miles west of Bird Island.

The Willis Islands were discovered on 14th of January by Captain James Cook and named for Cook's midshipman Thomas Willis, the crew member who first sighted them.


Outside links


  • Stonehouse, B (ed.) Encyclopedia of Antarctica and the Southern Oceans (2002, ISBN 0-471-98665-8)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Georgia: Annenkov IslandBird IslandClerke RocksCooper IslandGrass IslandKupriyanov IslandsPickersgill IslandsSaddle IslandShag RocksSouth GeorgiaWelcome IslandsWillis IslandsTrinity IslandGrassholmBlack RocksBlack Rock
South Sandwich Islands:


Coat of arms of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.svg
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