South Fur Island

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South Fur Island

Jason Islands
(Falkland Islands)


Location: 51°15’32"S, 60°50’51"W
Area: 62 acres

South Fur Island is a small sland, of just 62 acres, at the eastern end of the chain of the Jason Islands, which extend norht-westwards from the tip of West Falkland in the Falkland Islands.

South Fur is notable for its dolerite boulders.

The island is about three miles south of South Jason. Further north-by-north-east is North Fur Island, an island three times the size.

The Jason Islands

Grand JasonElephant JasonFlat JasonThe FridaysNorth FurSouth FurClarke's IsletEast CayWest CaySeal RocksSouth JasonSteeple JasonSteeple Islet