Ben Hee

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Ben Hee
Glacial morraine ridge on the N flank of Ben Hee. - - 1680093.jpg
Ben Hee
Summit: 2,840 feet NC426339
58°15’57"N, 4°41’2"W

Ben Hee is a mountain that rises to the height of 2,840 feet in the midst of Sutherland.

Below the forbidding crags of its eastern edge lies a loch, Loch a' Ghorm Choire, whose outflow burn feeds Loch Fiag just to the south. Streams from the slopes of Ben Hee feed Loch a' Ghorm Choire and Loch Fiag to the east and south-east, Loch Merkland to the south-west, which both flow south-east to the North Sea, and smaller lochs to the south which pour into Strath More and thence to the north coast.

The mountain by its height and relative prominence, is lasted as both a 'Corbett' and a 'Marilyn'.

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