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Plas Glynllifon
The famous steam engine
Gateway at the main entrance

Glynllifon is the name of the old estate which belonged to the Lords Newborough, near the village of Llandwrog in Caernarfonshire. It is situated on the main A499 road between Pwllheli and Caernarfon. The original mansion is now a privately owned Country House hotel and wedding venue.

The greater part of the original park, Parc Glynllifon, now includes Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor's agricultural college, craft workshops and many educational facilities. There is also a cafe and maze at the entrance and exhibits such as steam power pistons can be seen, which were restored by Fred Dibnah.[1] Many fairs are held in Glynllifon Park carpark, especially steam and craft fairs.

The park, which is open to the public includes gardens which are of historical and scientific importance; they have been designated Historical Garden (Grade I) status as well as a site of Special Scientific Interest by Cadw, and the Countryside Council for Wales.[2]

Glynllifon is also a designated Special Area of Conservation under Annex II, by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. It is home to the Lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros. This 470-acre site is both a maternity and hibernation site for about 6% of the UK population.[3]


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