Manx National Heritage

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Manx National Museum, Douglas
Sign at the museum
Entrance to Castle Rushen
The Laxey Wheel
St Michael's Isle

The Manx Museum and National Trust operates under the more familiar name Manx National Heritage (Manx: Eiraght Ashoonagh Vannin). It is a charitable trust which serves as the national heritage organisation for the Isle of Man and was established by Act of Tynwald in 1951 as the "Manx National Trust".

The Trust describes itself in its multifarious capacities as:

  • The National Museum Service
  • The National Monuments Service
  • The National Trust
  • The National Library and Archive
  • The National Art Gallery
  • Farmer, landowner, operator of tourist attractions, retailer, publisher, events promoter, teacher, adviser, conservator


Manx National Heritage is responsible for:

  • Twelve museum sites
  • As the monuments service it protects monuments, manages the National Monuments Record and controls archaeological investigations
  • Preservation and protection of areas of natural beauty and ecological significance
  • The Manx archive
  • One art gallery


Manx National Heritage runs the following museums:

The Story of Mann

The Story of Mann encompasses all of the above sites and more as part of a project intended to enhance people's knowledge of the Isle's history and culture. The Story of Mann sites focus on a range of time periods, from the Isle's early history of Viking and Gaelic occupation (Peel Castle, House of Mannanán); to the Middle Ages (Rushen Abbey, Castle Rushen); life during the 19th century (Cregneash, Laxey Wheel); and up to the present day at the Manx Museum.

Site and field monuments

The following monuments are under the protection of Manx National Heritage:

Heritage assets

The following properties are under the protection of Manx National Heritage:

Outside links