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Loch Buidhe, from Meall Beag

Loch Buidhe is a freshwater loch a third of a mile long, encompassing nearly 37 acres, on Rannoch Moor, in Argyllshire. The river is on the wandering course of the River Bà, as it enters a broad marshland extent of the moor on which is a scatter of such lochs on the river and its attendant burns, before the waters flow down into Loch Laidon.

The loch is to be found about five and a half miles north of Bridge of Orchy. It lies immediately to the south of Lochan na Stainge, and to the west of Lochan na h-Achlaise. Its name is Gaelic for yellow lake, and is given to a number of lochs across the Highlands and Hebrides.

The A82 road crosses Rannoch Moor to the west of the loch, while the West Highland Way long-distance path passes by to the west.


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about Loch Buidhe)
