Loch of the Lowes, Selkirkshire

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Loch of the Lowes
Loch of the Lowes (R) and St Mary's Loch (L)

The Loch of the Lowes lies in Selkirkshire, immediately south of its larger neighbour, St Mary's Loch. The two loch are joined by a stream and on the narrow meadow between them stands the Tibbie Shiels Inn.

St Mary's Loch is the largest loch in the county, and the largest amongs the neighbouring counties too, and its western shoreline marks the boundary of Peeblesshire, while the Loch of the Lowes is wholly in Selkirkshire.


In Blaue's and Pont's atlas of 1654, the two adjacent lochs, today St Mary's Loch and the Loch of the Lowes, are together marked as the 'Lochs of Lowis'.[1] By Ainslie's map of 1776 St Mary's Loch was distinct in the cartography and its smaller neighbour was named 'Loch of ye Lows'.[2] The spelling 'Loch of the Lowes' had settled down at least by the time of the Ordnance Survey maps of the beginning of the twentieth century.[3]

The name "Loch of the Lornes" also appears in some publications, possibly a misreading of the normal name.

<slippymap lat="55.468026" lon="-3.205138" z="6" w="200" h="270" layer="colour"/>

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about Loch of the Lowes, Selkirkshire)


  1. Tvedia cum vicecomitatu Etterico Forestae etiam Selkirkae dictus, [vulgo, Twee-dail with the Sherifdome of Etterik-Forest called also Selkirk / auct. Timotheo Pont]
  2. 'Map of the County of Selkirk' (John Aislie, 1776) (NLS)
  3. OS One-inch to the mile maps, 1903-1912 Sheet 16 - Moffat