Sgùrr a' Choire Ghlais

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Sgurr a' Choire Ghlais
Ross-shire, Inverness-shire
Sgurr a'Choire Ghlais.jpg
Sgurr a'Choire Ghlais north-east ridge
Summit: 3,553 feet NH258430
57°26’38"N, 4°54’11"W

Sgùrr a' Choire Ghlais is a mountain on the border of Ross-shire with Inverness-shire, which reaches a height of 3,553 feet at its summit, and so it qualifies as a Munro. It stands between Glen Strathfarrar and Glen Orrin

This is the highest mountain in its group, its summit looking out over a broad spectacle, and around it in the same group of mountains are three other Munros; Sgurr na Ruaidhe, Sgurr Fhuar-thuill and Carn nan Gobhar. Northwards there is no higher ground apart from the Fannaichs.

It is one of the most difficult hills to reach in the Highlands, the shortest route involving a 10-mile approach up Glen Strathfarrar. A bicycle, or permission to drive along the private road up Strathfarrar, may shorten the approach.

See also

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Munros in SMC Area SMC Section 12 - Glen Cannich to Glen Carron

An RiabhachanAn SocachBidein a' Choire SheasgaichCàrn nan Gobhar (Lapaichs)Càrn nan Gobhar (Strathfarrar)Lurg MhòrMaoile LunndaidhMoruisgSgùrr a' ChaorachainSgùrr a' Choire GhlaisSgurr ChoinnichSgùrr Fhuar-thuillSgùrr na LapaichSgùrr na Ruaidhe