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Edinkillie Parish Church and graveyard at Glenernie

Edinkillie is a parish in western Morayshire along the right bank of the Findhorn. It is surrounded by Dyke and Moy, Forres, Rafford, Dallas, Knockando, Cromdale, Ardclach and Auldearn. It is 13 miles long by seven wide. Two detached portions of Nairnshire lie in this parish.

The Knock of Moray rises 1,000 feet above sea level. The Divie and other tributaries of the Findhorn water the interior. There is a large proportion of pasture and a considerable amount of fine wood which add beauty to one of the most romantic rivers of Scotland.

The parish church was built in 1741 and renovated in 1813. It contains a central pulpit and has galleries on three walls.

The bridge of Rannich over the Divie, near Dunphail Castle, is very ancient, and is supposed to be named after Randolph, Earl of Moray, Regent of Scotland. There are ruins of an old fortification on the Downe Hill at Relugas.

The A940 road from Forres to Grantown-on-Spey passes through the west of the parish.

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