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<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 200%">Welcome to Wikishire</div>
NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Wikishire,Welcome to Wikishire,Britopedia,Britipedia,Encyclopaedia,counties of Britain and Ireland,British Isles,places of Britain and Ireland,United Kingdom,Republic of Ireland,Orkney,Yorkshire,Monmouthshire">
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<span style="font-size:150%">'''Wikishire'''</span> is where you may find the best of [[Great Britain|Britain]] and [[Ireland]].

'''Wikishire''' is where you are; whether you are on the [[Shetland]] islands or the [[South Shetland Islands]], or the places between, Wikishire is a growing guide on all you need to know about the British and Irish lands.

<span style="font-size:150%">'''OFT'''</span> him anhaga are gebideð, metudes miltse, þeah þe he modcearig geond lagulade longe sceolde hreran mid hondum hrimcealde sæ wadan wræclastas. Wyrd bið ful aræd! Swa cwæð eardstapa, earfeþa gemyndig,  wraþra wælsleahta, winemæga hryre: Oft ic sceolde ana uhtna gehwylce  mine ceare cwiþan. Nis nu cwicra nan  þe ic him modsefan minne durre  sweotule asecgan. Ic to soþe wat  þæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeaw,  þæt he his ferðlocan fæste binde,  healde his hordcofan, hycge swa he wille. Ne mæg werig mod wyrde wiðstondan,  ne se hreo hyge helpe gefremmanForðon domgeorne dreorigne oft  in hyra breostcofan bindað fæste; swa ic modsefan minne sceolde,  oft earmcearig, eðle bidæled,  freomægum feor feterum sælan,  siþþan geara iu goldwine minne  hrusan heolstre biwrah, ond ic hean þonan  wod wintercearig ofer waþema gebind,  sohte seledreorig sinces bryttan,  hwær ic feor oþþe neah findan meahte  þone þe in meoduhealle mine wisse,  oþþe mec freondleasne frefran wolde,  wenian mid wynnum. Wat se þe cunnað  hu sliþen bið sorg to geferan  þam þe him lyt hafað leofra geholena: warað hine wræclast, nales wunden gold,  ferðloca freorig, nalæs foldan blæd.  Gemon he selesecgas ond sincþege,  hu hine on geoguðe his goldwine  wenede to wiste. Wyn eal gedreas!  Forþon wat se þe sceal his winedryhtnes  leofes larcwidum longe forþolian: ðonne sorg ond slæð somod ætgædre  earmne anhogan oft gebindað.  þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten  clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge  honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær  in geardagum giefstolas breac.  Ðonne onwæcneð eft wineleas guma,  gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas,  baþian brimfuglas, brædan feþra,  hreosan hrim ond snaw hagle gemenged.  Þonne beoð þy hefigran heortan benne,  sare æfter swæsne. Sorg bið geniwad  þonne maga gemynd mod geondhweorfeð; greteð gliwstafum, georne geondsceawað  secga geseldan; swimmað oft on weg  fleotendra ferð no þær fela bringeð  cuðra cwidegiedda. Cearo bið geniwad  þam þe sendan sceal swiþe geneahhe  ofer waþema gebind werigne sefan.  Forþon ic geþencan ne mæg geond þas woruld  for hwan modsefa min ne gesweorce  þonne ic eorla lif eal geondþence,  hu hi færlice flet ofgeafon,  modge maguþegnas. Swa þes middangeard  ealra dogra gehwam dreoseð ond fealleð; forþon ne mæg weorþan wis wer, ær he age  wintra dæl in woruldrice. Wita sceal geþyldig,  ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrædwyrde,  ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig,  ne to forht ne to fægen, ne to feohgifre  ne næfre gielpes to georn, ær he geare cunne.  Beorn sceal gebidan, þonne he beot spriceð,  oþþæt collenferð cunne gearwe  hwider hreþra gehygd hweorfan wille.  Ongietan sceal gleaw hæle hu gæstlic bið,  þonne ealre þisse worulde wela weste stondeð,  swa nu missenlice geond þisne middangeard  winde biwaune weallas stondaþ,  hrime bihrorene, hryðge þa ederas.  Woriað þa winsalo, waldend licgað  dreame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,  wlonc bi wealle. Sume wig fornom,  ferede in forðwege, sumne fugel oþbær  ofer heanne holm, sumne se hara wulf  deaðe gedælde, sumne dreorighleor  in eorðscræfe eorl gehydde.  Yþde swa þisne eardgeard ælda scyppend  oþþæt burgwara breahtma lease  eald enta geweorc idlu stodon.  Se þonne þisne wealsteal wise geþohte  ond þis deorce lif deope geondþenceð,  frod in ferðe, feor oft gemon  wælsleahta worn, ond þas word acwið: Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?  Hwær cwom maþþumgyfaHwær cwom symbla gesetu? Hwær sindon seledreamas?  Eala beorht bune! Eala byrnwiga!  Eala þeodnes þrym! Hu seo þrag gewat, genap under nihthelm, swa heo no wære.  Stondeð nu on laste leofre duguþe  weal wundrum heah, wyrmlicum fah. Eorlas fornoman asca þryþe, wæpen wælgifru, wyrd seo mære,  ond þas stanhleoþu stormas cnyssað,  hrið hreosende hrusan bindeð,  wintres woma, þonne won cymeð,  nipeð nihtscua, norþan onsendeð  hreo hæglfare hæleþum on andanEall is earfoðlic eorþan rice,  onwendeð wyrda gesceaft weoruld under heofonum.  Her bið feoh læne, her bið freond læne,  her bið mon læne, her bið mæg læne,  eal þis eorþan gesteal idel weorþeð!  Swa cwæð snottor on mode, gesæt him sundor æt rune. Til biþ se þe his treowe gehealdeþ, ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene  beorn of his breostum acyþan, nemþe he ær þa bote cunne,  eorl mid elne gefremman. Wel bið þam þe him are seceð,  frofre to Fæder on heofonum, þær us eal seo fæstnung stondeð
Tell the world what you love about your home.  Each shire, from [[Kent]] to [[County Kerry|Kerry]] is here, with ever-growing detail; if your town or village is not in Wikishire, or if something important is missed out, then log on, then -
::<big>'''''[[Wikishire:Editing Guide|Add it and Edit]]'''''</big>
To begin, you can peruse the list of counties of the [[Counties of the United Kingdom|UK]] or [[Counties of the Republic of Ireland|Republic of Ireland]], or even go directly to a [[Special:Random|random page]]! To accompany the encyclopædia we also have an '''{{cmap0|interactive map of the counties of the British Isles}}'''. We also have [ Resources] for GIS including KML files and postcode lookup tools.
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==What is a wiki?==
A wiki is a collaborative website with certain standard functions allowing easy editing of pages by anyone. At Wikishire, you may log on and start work right away.
Few things stay still for long, and here you can keep updating or improving the articlesA wiki is a constant work in progress.

Latest revision as of 11:59, 10 December 2021

Welcome to Wikishire
Currently serving 34,528 articles
Today is 29th January 2025 .

Wikishire is where you may find the best of Britain and Ireland.

Wikishire is where you are; whether you are on the Shetland islands or the South Shetland Islands, or the places between, Wikishire is a growing guide on all you need to know about the British and Irish lands.

Tell the world what you love about your home. Each shire, from Kent to Kerry is here, with ever-growing detail; if your town or village is not in Wikishire, or if something important is missed out, then log on, then -

Add it and Edit

To begin, you can peruse the list of counties of the UK or Republic of Ireland, or even go directly to a random page! To accompany the encyclopædia we also have an interactive map of the counties of the British Isles. We also have Resources for GIS including KML files and postcode lookup tools.

Today's featured image is:

Worksop, Nottinghamshire


Worksop is a large town in northern Nottinghamshire, on the River Ryton at the northern edge of Sherwood Forest, some 19 miles east of Sheffield.

Worksop is in the area of Nottinghamshire known as "the Dukeries", so called for the number of ducal residences thereabouts, and is held up as known as the "Capital of the Dukeries". This was once a small town, which grew in the Industrial Revolution as the rich local coal mines were exploited to their full. It prospered in its heyday, and many buildings about the town bear witness to this time. (Read more)

Recently featured: Kirkcudbright   •  Manchester   •  Hanmer

What is a wiki?

A wiki is a collaborative website with certain standard functions allowing easy editing of pages by anyone. At Wikishire, you may log on and start work right away.

Few things stay still for long, and here you can keep updating or improving the articles. A wiki is a constant work in progress.