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Speymouth Parish Church

Speymouth is a parish in Morayshire, ¼ mile north-west of Fochabers. It contains the villages of Garmouth, Kingston Port, and Mosstodlach. This place, consisting of the ancient parishes of Dipple and Essil derives its name from its situation near the mouth of the River Spey, which here falls into the Moray Firth. It extends in length about 6½ miles from north to south, with a mean breadth of about 1½ mile. It is bounded on the north by the Moray Firth, on the east by the River Spey, on the south by Rothes, and on the west by Urquhart.

Speymouth Parish Church, also known as the Red Kirk, was built in 1732 and enlarged in 1799. It is a category B listed building.

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