Loch Achtriochtan

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Loch Achtriochtan

Loch Achtriochtan or Loch Trychardan is a small freshwater loch in Argyllshire, lying about three miles to the east of Glencoe village. The estate with the loch is now under the care of the National Trust for Scotland.

During the 18th century the loch flooded and nearby inhabitants had to abandon the area.

This is a small loch, or lochan, fed by the River Coe, which eventually flows into Loch Leven at Invercoe. To the south of the Loch is Achnambeithach Cottage, accessible from the A82 road. To the north, there are the mountains Sgorr nam Fiannaidh and Stob Coire Leith and, to the south, the Three Sisters.

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about Loch Achtriochtan)
