Green Castle

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Green Castle

County Down

Greencastle County Down.jpg
Village: Greencastle
Condition: ruined
Owned by: (State care)

Green Castle is a castle in County Down, standing above the village of Greencastle, which takes its name from the castle. The castle now stands abandoned and largely ruined, and is now in the care of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and open to visitors.

The castle was built by De Lacy in the 13th century to guard the waters of Carlingford Lough, along with Carlingford Castle on the opposite shore, and later became a royal castle.

While it dates mainly from the 13th century, Green Castle had substantial 15th- and 16th-century alterations. The large rectangular keep with three vaulted chambers at the ground floor is approached across a rock-cut ditch. It was originally surrounded by outer rectangular walls with four corner towers (ruins of some remain).


Green Castle is likely to have been built by Hugh de Lacy, along with Carlingford Castle on the opposite side of Carlingford Lough, to guard the narrow entry channel to the Lough, and the ferry crossing between the two.

The Keep

The motte from the earlier Norman, wooden, motte and bailey castle (possibly built by John de Courcey) is still on the seaward side nearer the point. According to one legend John de Courcy was married at Greencastle.[1] which would presumably be the original motte & bailey castle.

Looking west toward Greencastle Point

The castle was held for the Crown by Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, from 1264-1333. It was attacked and taken by Edward Bruce, the brother of Robert, in 1316; an embarrassment as one of Richard de Burgh's daughters had married Robert the Bruce himself.

The castle was attacked at least twice by the Irish in the later 14th century but still maintained as an English garrison in the 1590s. In the 1500s it was held by the Earl of Kildare and then Nicholas Bagenal of Newry. It fell into disuse after a bombardment by Cromwellian soldiers, to stop its being used by rebel forces.

Internal views of the castle

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