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Loch a' Ghobhainn

Loch a' Ghobhainn is an upland freshwater loch lying inland and south west of the village of Shieldaig in the west of Ross-shire.

The loch has an irregular, somewhat elliptical shape with a perimeter of two miles. It is approximately three-quarters of a mile long, has an average depth of 12½ feet and is 28 feet deep at its deepest. It is one of a sting of lochs streched in a south-west to north-east alignment: immediately above it is Loch a' Bhealaich, whose outflow runs a hundred yards or so before spreading into Loch a' Ghobhainn, then below it the outflow river reaches Loch Gaineamhach, then after a few miles it reaches Loch Bràigh Horrisdale.

The loch was surveyed on 8 August 1902 by T.N. Johnston and John Hewitt and later charted[1] as part of Sir John Murray's Bathymetrical Survey of Fresh-Water Lochs of Scotland 1897-1909.


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