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McCandlish Hall. The village hall in Straiton

Straiton is a village and parish on the River Girvan in Ayrshire. The village was mainly built in the 18th century, but with some recent housing.

It lies in the hills between Kirkmichael, Dalmellington, Crosshill, and Maybole.

Local attractions include:

  • Blairquhan Castle, open to visitors in spring and summer, which was a location for the filming of The Queen starring Helen Mirren, and Channel 4's Beauty and the Geek and the Monument, which overlooks the village.
  • Tairlaw Linn a local waterfall.

It was the main location for the film The Match, where two rival pubs played an annual football match as a challenge. However, since the village has only one pub, a house was used as a pub for filming.

Outside links

("Wikimedia Commons" has material
about Straiton)

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