Difference between revisions of "Template:Forth bridge list"

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(Created page with "{{#switch:{{{1}}} |1 |Firth of Forth={{#switch:{{{2}}} |name=Firth of Forth |name 2= |n=1 |type=end }}|2 |Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}} |name=Forth Bridge |name 2= |n=2 |type...")
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 19: Line 19:
|Queensbury Crossing={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Queensferry Crossing={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Queensbury Crossing
|name=Queensferry Crossing
|name 2=
|name 2=
Line 37: Line 37:
|Taylorton Bridge
|A91 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|A91 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=A91 Forth Bridge
|name=Taylorton Bridge
|name 2=A91
|name 2=
Line 49: Line 50:
|Caledonian Railway Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|North British Railway Bridge (Forth)={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Caledonian Railway Bridge
|name=North British Railway Bridge (Forth)
|name 2=
|name 2=North British Railway Bridge
|Caledonian Railway Bridge (Forth)={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Caledonian Railway Bridge (Forth)
|name 2=Caledonian Railway Bridge
|Stirling New Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Stirling New Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Stirling New Bridge
|name=Stirling New Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Old Stirling Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Old Stirling Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Old Stirling Bridge
|name=Old Stirling Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Old Mills Farm Footbridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Old Mills Farm Footbridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Old Mills Farm Footbridge
|name=Old Mills Farm Footbridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|M9 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|M9 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=M9 Forth Bridge
|name=M9 Forth Bridge
|name 2=
|New Drip Bridge
|A84 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=New Drip Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Old Bridge, Drip Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Drip Bridge
|name=Old Bridge, Drip Bridge
|New Drip Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name 2=Drip Bridge
|name=Drip Bridge
|name 2=
|Meiklewood House Footbridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Old Bridge, Drip Bridge
|name=Meiklewood House Footbridge
|Old Drip Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name 2=
|name=Old Bridge, Drip Bridge
|name 2=Old Drip Bridge
|Gargunnock Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Meiklewood House Bridge
|name=Gargunnock Bridge
|Meiklewood Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Meiklewood House Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Bridge of Frew={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Gargunnock Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Bridge of Frew
|name=Gargunnock Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Poldar Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Bridge of Frew={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Poldar Bridge
|name=Bridge of Frew
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Cardross Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Poldar Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Cardross Bridge
|name=Poldar Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Strathendrick and Aberfoyle Railway Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Cardross Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Strathendrick and Aberfoyle Railway Bridge
|name=Cardross Bridge
|name 2=S&A Railway Bridge
|name 2=
|Forth Viaduct
|Gartrenich Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Gartrenich Bridge
|name 2=
|A81 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|A81 Forth Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=A81 Forth Bridge
|name=A81 Forth Bridge
|name 2=A81
|name 2=A81
|Cobleland Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Cobleland Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Cobleland Bridge
|name=Cobleland Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Aberfoyle Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Aberfoyle Bridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Aberfoyle Bridge
|name=Aberfoyle Bridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Loch Ard Footbridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Loch Ard Footbridge={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Loch Ard Footbridge
|name=Loch Ard Footbridge
|name 2=
|name 2=
|Loch Ard={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Loch Ard={{#switch:{{{2}}}
|name=Loch Ard
|name=Loch Ard
|name 2=
|name 2=

Latest revision as of 14:11, 2 June 2021

{{Forth bridges}} is a bottom box that may be included at the foot of any article about a bridge on the River Forth, from the Firth of Forth up to Loch Ard, where the Forth is formed. It should show the bridge which the article concerns and the next three crossings each side, upstream and downstream (or in the case of one close to either end of the range, that end of the range).

The list includes bridges, tunnels, ferries and other crossings.

The bottom box runs off a database template, {{Forth bridge list}}. The text of this template was generated with a mail merge from an Excel file held by RB, so if a bridge has to be added or deleted, the merge should be re-run, to avoid having to renumber every data record.

(The '#switch' function at the start of {{Forth bridges}} will also have to be adjusted if the number of data records increases or decreases.)

If the name of the Article does not match the name given in the data template {{Forth bridge list}} (in the #switch:{{{1}}} function and as "name=") then it will not "catch" and the data (and the Excel file) should be changed. A short name can be given in "name 2=".

The bridge name will be shown on the list just in black if there is no corresponding article, but it will appear as a blue link when an article is created. If the "name 2=" field is filled in, it will appear as a link even if there is no article yet.