Sgùrr Choinnich Mòr

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Sgùrr Choinnich Mòr
Sgurr Choinnich Mor - - 303995.jpg
Range: Grey Corries
Summit: 3,589 feet NN227714
56°48’1"N, 4°54’14"W

Sgùrr Choinnich Mòr is the most westerly mountain of the Grey Corries group in Inverness-shire. Its summit stands at 3,589 feet and accordingly it is listed as a Munro.

The mountain runs up to a fine pointed summit, and descending from this peak the north face presents very craggy slopes to Glen Spean.

The southern slopes down to Glen Nevis are more gentle, though walkers approach from either side.


Sgurr Choinnich Mor is normally climbed in one expedition with the other Munros that make up the long south-west - north-east ridge, though it is a long day if it: Stob Coire an Laoigh, to which it is joined by the north-east ridge, and Stob Choire Claurigh beyond.

Sgurr Choinnich Mor is usually climbed from Glen Spean from the north if combing with the rest of the Grey Corries or from Glen Nevis in the south if climbing on its own. From the summit there are superb views of the Aonachs and Ben Nevis to the west and the entire Mamore range to the south.


Munros in SMC Area SMC Section 4 - Loch Linnhe to Loch Ericht

Am BodachAn GearanachAonach Beag (Alder)Aonach Beag (Nevis)Aonach MorBeinn a' ChlachairBeinn BheoilBeinn EibhinnBeinn na LapBen AlderBen NevisBinnein BeagBinnein MòrCàrn Dearg (Alder)Càrn Dearg (Loch Ossian)Càrn Mòr DeargChno DeargCreag PitridhGeal CharnGeal Charn, ArdverekieMullach nan CoireanNa GruagaicheanSgor GaibhreSgurr a' MhàimSgùrr Choinnich MòrSgùrr Eilde MòrStob a' Choire MheadhoinStob Bàn, Grey CorriesStob Bàn, MamoresStob Choire ClaurighStob Coire a' ChairnStob Coire an LaoighStob Coire EasainStob Coire Sgriodain