Stob Coire Sgriodain

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Stob Coire Sgriodain
Summit of Stob Coire Sgiodain - - 122255.jpg
Summit of Stob Coire Sgiodain
Summit: 3,212 feet NN356743
56°49’52"N, 4°41’41"W

Stob Coire Sgriodain is a dramatic mountain in Inverness-shire, rising sharply on the eastern side of Loch Treig. It reaches a height of 3,212 feet at its summit, and so it qualifies as a Munro.

The summit is a ragged, rough summit of craggy outcrops. From here two ridges run north and south. The north ridge leads down gently slopes to Glen Spean. The south ridge follows the rim of Coire an Lochain to a low col before heading on to the summit ridge of the neighbouring mountain, Chno Dearg.


Most climbs begin on the gentle north ridge from Glen Spean. The most common approach is from Fersit to the north where there is ample parking. You can also approach from Corrour Halt on the Western Highland Line in the south.

From the summit is a wonderful view down to Loch Treig, a breathtaking slice in the land.

Munros in SMC Area SMC Section 4 - Loch Linnhe to Loch Ericht

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