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(Created page with "{{county|Banff}} '''Cairn Lee''' is a prehistoric monument in the parish of Gamrie in Banffshire.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=20085...")
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Latest revision as of 13:44, 29 November 2022

Cairn Lee is a prehistoric monument in the parish of Gamrie in Banffshire.[1] Cairn Lee and proximate Longman Hill[2] are the oldest prehistoric features in the local area.


  1. Andy Burnham, ed. "Cairn Lee". The Megalithic Portal. http://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=20085. Retrieved 2009-08-30. 
  2. C.Michael Hogan (2008). "Longman Hill". Modern Antiquarian. http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/11228/longman_hill.html#fieldnotes. Retrieved 2009-08-30. 

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